Cherokee Super Speedway

Four Useful Maintenance Tips For Your Boat

Money alone will probably not be able to buy you happiness but using that money to buy a boat will! There isn’t many things in the world that can make a man feel the way he feels when cruising over the deep blue sea in a vessel of his own. There are many suburban residents who own boats today, because they need a means to escape the hustle if the crowded city once every now and then to clear out the minds, and there isn’t a better way to get away from the overcrowded land than by sea. However, either we like it or not, our boats will spend most of their days locked up in the garage or berthed at the docks than at the open sea, and during this time, these machines can get damaged or deteriorated. Regular maintenance is the only solution to this problem and here are a few tips that will help you with it.

Regular washing

This may sound a bit silly, especially if your boat is “floating on water” most of the time at the docks. But the sea water which is oozing with salt, a promoter of rusting, and the various aquatic organisms that tend to attach themselves to the underside of the boats over time can become serious problems if left unattended for a long time. Regular washing with a proper cleaning liquid and polishing will coat the surface against these menaces. Change the oils Much like in a car, the oils used in engine powered boats must be changed depending on their specific requirements. Four-stroke outboards, inboard and stern-drive boats will require oil changes at different frequencies and a general rule of thumb would be to change these oils at least once a year.

Inspect the propeller

The propeller of the engine must be inspected on a regular basis to check it for any visible problems. One of the most obvious reasons behind propeller dysfunction is the wrapping of discarded fishing lines around the propeller shaft. If this does turn out to be the problem, get your boat repairs Sydney professional to take a look at it, because gear-case related issues are only to be handled by pros. Check for dents In addition, substances getting stuck and wrapped around the propeller shaft, if the unit looks dented or damaged in any way, make sure you consult a professional and get it examined further before sailing off again. Even the tiniest of amazes to the core components if the propeller can result in a significant drop in the fuel efficiency of the boat and reduce its performance.